Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Let me back up...Why am I talking about Inflammation?

Why am I talking about Inflammation? 

As a child I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis and at the age of 31 I was diagnosed with Lupus SLE… I NEVER knew that the pain I was feeling was "caused" by inflammation.  Something was going wrong in my body that was causing swelling (inflammation) in my joints and now soft tissue.  

What is Inflammation? 

Inflammation is essentially the body's response to injury, and the function of inflammation is tissue healing.  Practically speaking, we are all dealing with the inflammatory process either through general injury or dietary imbalances.

So not only can injury be caused by direct trauma..but also by eating a poor diet.
Every time you eat the wrong foods, you create inflammation in your body that will slowly but surely lead to the expression of chronic pain or whatever disease you may be genetically predisposed to.  

Most people do not realize that the following conditions are caused or promoted by inflammation: aches and pain, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, crohn's disease, colitis, osteoporosis, acne, aging, syndrome X, diabetes, cancer, heart disease, peripheral vascular disease, stroke, Alzhemier’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and many many others…

Where do we go from here?

We can STOP putting things in our body that cause inflammation 
- know the 7 foods you should avoid (in this weeks posts)
We can START eating healthy foods and food based supplements
 - I've had a great experience with Shakeology
We can begin eating to live and not just living to eat! 


  1. I ordered the shakeology packets. I have to convince my husband about the P90x and other shakeology products. He's pretty leary about anything new because I seem to come up with new things for him to buy and different ways for me to eat and new herbs, etc. that I read about to see if they help. I don't really know how to make him understand this disease and my need to get back to healthy and energertic. I know I'm dumping on someone I don't know; but maybe you have ideas about how you went about trying/not trying everything you see that may/may not help with this disease?

  2. Heather - I'm not sure if you saw my Shakeology post with the What Doctors are saying video in it. That would be a great place to start. I believe God can heal the body but I also believe that we need to feed it well and treat it well and I have not found anything else out there that has the ingredients in it like this nutritional drink does. This disease is hard because it's going on inside and I don't think others can fully understand but I now God does. I will e-mail you some more thoughts but I would say baby steps, consistency, prayer and lots of grace :).

  3. thank you - will watch the video
