Saturday, January 29, 2011

Inflammation - 7 Foods to Avoid...Here's #3

Sugar, Fructose & Simple Carbohydrates

Why Sugar, Fructose & Simple Carbs?
These are not good for you because they cause a dump of sugars into the digestive tract.  This stimulates a big jump in insulin.  Long story short... Insulin stimulates the inflammation pathway and the rise and fall of blood sugar levels causes even more fatigue.  Secondary to blood sugar would be the need to stop feeding chronic yeast infections that thrive on sugar causing inflammation as well as brain-fog and suppressed immunity.

What is Fructose?
Fructose is a simple sugar.  Fructose goes straight to the liver.  Too much fructose seems to overwhelm the bodies ability to process it as a sugar causing problems.  Approximately 10% of our American diet is fructose!!!

I must stop and make a note about 
High Fructose Corn Syrup!

HFCS is produced by processing corn starch to make glucose, and then processing the glucose to create a syrup.   While regular table sugar is 50% fructose and 50% glucose, high-fructose corn syrup can contain up to 80% fructose and 20% glucose, that is almost twice the fructose of common table sugar!  Throw that into your carbonated beverages (pop, soda) and you have a huge problem!  (This all makes me sound so scientific. :))  The carbonation causes a metabolic reaction resulting in much more sugar pouring into the blood very quickly!  Please read the labels...there is decent food out there now without HCFS in it.  There will be a learning curve but eventually you will know what brands to buy and what not too!  

And last but not least...simple carbs...

Well you know what these are... candy, white bread, white pastas, syrup, juices, pop, most packaged cereals, good old fashioned table sugar.  These carbs are more refined, have fewer nutrients, low or no fiber.  All of which leads to the same physical body responses that I've already mentioned.  

My World...
Please know that my children do get candy from time to time.  We still make cakes for their Birthdays :).  In fact we actually have dessert night once a week.  We don't do dessert the rest of the week and we look forward to it on Fridays.  I try to make the dessert as healthy or balanced as possible but if I can't then I simply plan on sharing it with the neighbors or tossing it the next day.  We simply can't eat icky and feel good.  It's just not possible. Maybe you are not at a point where you are ready to make this change.   But I can tell you, when you or someone you love are faced with chronic pain or life changing Autoimmune Disease...
sugar will not be a big deal anymore!  I promise!

Hang in here with me... Don't quit...
You can feel better!

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