Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Inflammation - 7 Foods to Avoid...Here's #2

Food Additives - Including MSG & Nitrates

Folks, this is a hard one to recognize...and it's everywhere!  Just search it on the web and you will come up with lists of foods that have these food additives in them.  
Unfortunately, MSG is now hidden under other names as well.  
So my personal opinion is if you can't read the label...don't eat it! 
Oh and unfortunately, the "lists" of food containing MSG include almost all of KFC, half of Burger King and half of McDonalds... it's really sad.  We just have to think before we eat... I know it's worth it though.  You will too when you feel better!

So...What is MSG?
MSG (monosodium glutamate) is a chemical sodium salt and is used in the food industry as a flavor enhancer.  Experts agree it can intensify pain symptoms in many individuals.  Like aspartame, MSG is classified as an excitotoxin and has the same potential for affecting NMDA receptors.   Again, this basically means it's a chemical substance that excite your neurons (brain cells).  Yikes!  I don't think I want that!

 Where is MSG found in my food?
MSG is used around the globe in soups and broths, sauces, gravies, and flavoring and spice blends. MSG is also present in a variety of processed foods such as canned and frozen meats, fish, poultry, vegetables, and ready-to-eat food plates, dressings, ketchup, mayonnaise, soy sauce, sausages, snacks, some processed cheeses, soup powders for instant noodles, etc

What are nitrates?
Nitrates are ingredients added to many of the foods you eat to achieve flavor, color and stability. In addition, they help protect against bacterial growth and rancidity, enhance the flavor of foods and add shelf life to products.Comsuming an excess of nitrates can be harmful. In some studies, more than 90 percent of nitrates have been shown to be carcinogenic to bodily organs

Where are nitrates found in my food?  
Nitrates are found in lunchmeats like ham, bologna, and cured meats like bacon. 

Hint:  look for nitrate free meats and drink that glass of OJ if you decide to eat bacon (we eat bacon occasionally but not weekly).  Vitamin C is known to inhibit the conversion to nitrosamines in your stomach.  Simply speaking..Vitamin C helps. 

Bottom Line -  Food Preservatives = Bad For YOU!

***Let's remember The Goal...***
Stopping the inflammation in our bodies by
beginning the process of eating to live and not just living to eat!


  1. I love how informative this is! Simple and to the point...keep 'em coming!

  2. Hi, Carma,
    Did you lose your sense of taste and smell? If so, did you get it back and how? Also, have you had dental issues? If so, what do you know about keeping your teeth in tack with this disease? I've had the disease for 2 years and do things naturally and have changed a lot of eating habits. I enjoy your blog. I have never actually met someone with lupus. Hearing your struggles with it makes me understand that the flares, fatigue, pain, etc. is all real and not just in my head.

  3. Good post, I'll be back for the rest of the series!

  4. Heather - My friend it is not in your head!!! The fatigue and brain fog and teeth problems are real. It's just hard because you don't have something people can see a broken arm or something. I don't think I've lost my sense of smell or taste but there are times when my digestive system shuts down and I would say my taste is different. My teeth are a mess... I pray over them :) I changed to a sonic type toothbrush, I use a prescription toothpaste at night. I do the best I can and try not to worry about it but I've had a couple of crowns a year and then I worry about the metal... My encouragement to you would be to keep detoxifying your system and your environment.. and yes... your stress level... I would be happy to talk more about it with you. Blessings, Carma
