Saturday, February 12, 2011

What We Do Eat - Some "Not So Normal" Snacks

Rather than write about chicken, chicken and more chicken... I thought I would write about some "not so normal" snacks we eat on a regular basis.    

Mangoes are my children's favorite!  
Rather expensive but always a great "special snack"

I often let the girls get slimy and messy making "homemade" guacamole.  It's never the same twice :)

Big, huge, whole carrots.  I will even buy the kind with "tops" on them.  The kids think it is cool to have a huge carrot for a snack.

Fruit Preserves
 I sweeten "natural" or organic (if I find it on sale) applesauce or yogurt with real or low-sugar fruit preserves.  There is no need to buy sugary applesauce or yogurt.  Also, an added bonus is that you can control the amount of preserves and if you have to start with a lot to keep the kids happy, you can slowly ween them down to a more healthy amount.

Frozen Fruit Bars
 Another favorite.  They cost more but do not have Corn Syrup or the calories.  It's easy to make your own as well if you have the patience.

Boiled Eggs 
I think I've talked a lot about eggs but keeping boiled eggs ready in the fridge makes for a great protein snack.  Hint: put baking soda in your water when boiling and your kids will be able to peel them by themselves. Woohoo!

Easily peeled by children and sweet..making them a very loved item!

Edamame is a fancy name for soybeans.  While soy can be questionable in other forms, I feel pretty safe with soybean as a vegetable.  We only buy organic edamame in the shell.  You can find it in the freezer section.  My kids will take some from the freezer, put in a bowl and sprinkle with salt.  Then as they thaw slightly, they eat them like peanuts... really a fun snack.

Sugar Snap Peas
We love GOOD sugar snap peas.  If they aren't sweet and plump and crisp then don't buy them.

Apple Smores
My Apple Smores are not this pretty or this gooey.  But I learned from a great friend to cut apples horizontally to make apple circles.  Then we sandwich the traditional marshmallow and chocolate (or even peanut butter and jelly) to make a sandwich. I have been known to warm these up on the grill. :)

Here's to happy, healthy snacks!  Please share your ideas with us so we can continue to learn together.

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