Tuesday, February 8, 2011

What We DO Eat - Breakfast!

Many of you have asked "What DO you eat?".  I would LOVE to talk about the things we eat!  I've been trying to figure out how to do that in a small area like on a blog. :)  Hang in here with me..it's going to be long.  

Today I'll start with breakfast and break it up into "MY FOOD" & "FAMILY FOOD".  Note that the food I eat is for those of us that are avoiding the 7 Foods that cause inflammation.  My family, particularly, my husband has an awesome immune system and loves his whole grains, so he gets to eat them. :) 
Oatmeal is pretty much my staple breakfast.  Not quick-cooking but real oats.  I add a little cinnamon and craisins.  If you are trying to eat gluten free make sure they are gluten free.  My favorite are Bob's Red Mill.  Tip:  Don't do steel cut oats if you have digestive issues as they are too hard to digest.
Eggs are a great source of protein.  We do eat a lot of eggs - 2 egg whites and 1whole egg scrambled with any add-ins that I have available in the fridge.  I also have boiled eggs around all the time for quick protein.
I have a Shakeology either for Breakfast or for Lunch.  It has over 70 ingredients in it that I just can't eat in a days time and it has the digestive enzymes and probiotics that keep my digestive system working.
Buckwheat / Oatmeal Pancakes 
Occasionally I will make up a batch of these.  The buckwheat is gluten free and the oatmeal adds fiber keeping the glycemic index down.  I throw the leftovers in the freezer and eat later with nutbutter when I want something pancake-ish.  I will post the recipe later :)

All of the Above Food and: 
Whole Grain Pancakes 
I like to make my own but when I can't (or Brad is making pancakes...because he is much more patient than I am) we use Bob's Red Mill or Hodgson Mill Whole Wheat.
Whole Grain Cereals 
Brad's new cereal of choice is  KASHI Cinnamon Harvest which is pretty close to a whole food.  The ingredients are "organic whole grain wheat, evaporated cane juice (yep-sugar), and organic cinnamon"  That's it...that is pretty incredible for a box cereal.  The girls eat Frosted Mini-wheats.  In order to keep away from High Fructose Corn Syrup, we changed to Hy-Vee Brand that does not contain HFCS and is very much like the name brand. 
Organic Yogurt 
Yep dairy.  Organic Yogurt if you do not have an allergy to dairy, it is a great source of protein and probiotics.  I would keep yogurt as organic and "live" as possible.  This is one we will spend money on because I think it is important.  Tip:  Buy your yogurt plain and let the kids swirl in real  or low sugar fruit preserves.
Grapefruit  Tip: If it's fresh, peel it like an orange, or use "special
grapefruit spoons".  DO NOT put sugar on the grapefruit... it  doesn't help.  Actually salt makes it sweeter if you have too.  But
if you don't teach the kids to dip their grapefruit and
strawberries in sugar...they won't think of it!  Clementines - kids
can peel them on their "own" which is huge in my family!
Apples, frozen fruit, frozen blueberries, grapes, bananas...We have fresh choices..we just have to make them happen!

A Word of Encouragement:  
Maybe you are thinking...UGH my family will NEVER eat that...
Don't think that way.  Change the things you can without a fuss RIGHT NOW and pick one food a week to introduce or change.  Make it fun!  Let them be a part of the process.  

When I started changing breakfast I made lists of "choices" and allowed them to pick a choice from each list.  One list was from the whole grain or egg category,  the other list was a type of fruit or yogurt.  They loved picking the options off the list.  In fact they acted like they were at Village Inn.  

May your mornings be filled with love and lots of good food!  

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